We are currently on a hiatus.
Please check back often for show updates

Come friends, and gather around our campfire –
where the best live storytelling in Las Vegas happens.


Mom's Basement Theatre
3441 W. Sahara Ave, Las Vegas


cash / venmo / zelle

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Here's our story

Kristi McKay and Holly VanDreumel are writers, storytellers, and improvisers (and many other amazing things that aren't as relevant here.)

One evening after performing improv together, Kristi and Holly expressed their common desire to finish
in-progress writing projects as well as start new ones. Wanting a warm and inviting space to share with fellow storytellers, they created the Around the Campfire show!

man and woman with bone fire sitting on seashore
man and woman with bone fire sitting on seashore

It's never the same show twice


noun. The theme we assign to each month to spark each of our performer's imagination to tell their true story.

Got some juicy tales from your old college days or perhaps there was a time when you learned a valuable lesson. Either way, get on stage!

Got tales of intrigue, suspense, unanswered questions, and the things that go bump in the night! We're shaking with anticipation.

[ kind-ling ]

Road Trip
Did you hit the road to seek adventure or to make a long-distance move? Tell us all about it or the strange people you met along the way

S'Mores Treat
We're bringing back a crowd favorite - treat us to any story you've been wanting to tell. Make us laugh, cry, and gasp. Surprise us!

Did you get caught trying to surprise someone? Maybe you got caught by your parent... or worse yet, the police! Tell us in August

We will be taking these months off to spend time with our families. We'll return in January 2025.

Participate in a show

To participate, send us a 2-3 sentence pitch inspired by that month's kindling.

If you are selected, you will write your true 6-8 minute story to read (or perform) in front of a live audience. Everyone is encouraged to send us a pitch, no matter your storytelling experience.

If you are chosen to participate, we will contact you via email one month before the show date - to confirm and get a small bio.

If we have booked our storytellers for that month, don't worry, we always create a back-up list incase someone has to give their spot up, so we will contact you to give you this option.

Show dates and kindlings:


NOTE : We will be taking Nov & Dec off to
spend time with our families, and of
course, collect more stories to share!


Does my story have to be 100% true?

YES. Your voice matters. This is a show about your personal journeys, learnings, and experiences, so don’t feel the need to embellish. We want to hear the truth from your point of view.

What should I write about?

Check out our Kindling section. Each month we assigned a word for you to use as inspiration, but don’t let that word stump you. You are free to use it literally or figuratively.

For instance, if our next month’s kindling was BUS, you could write about your bus rides, what a bus symbolizes to you, how a bus makes you feel, or a friendship you formed on a bus ride. Maybe you always wanted to drive a bus, but you were too scared to try, or was there a social status based on where you sat on your school bus? Maybe you saw a photo of a double-decker bus and that inspired you to travel the world. It’s up to you.

How much must I write to have a 6-8 minute story?

Write your story to be between 780 to 1020 words, but then practice reading it out loud and time yourself. Make sure to add pauses to look at the audience and to give the audience time to react. You can always add more or cut words if needed, but remember that on average people talk a little faster when they are nervous.

How will I know when I'm at 8 minutes if I'm performing?

We have a light system that helps you with this during the show.

What happens at the 8-minute mark if I’m not done with my story?

Ugh… we hate this part, but we will have to pull the lights down on you. There is another show scheduled after ours and we have no choice. Sorry in advance if this happens to you. Please don’t make us do this!!!

Do I have to memorize my story or can I read it?

This is entirely up to you. Some people love the process of writing, but not the thought of memorizing, so they read the story. Others want to make this a performance. Whichever way you choose to tell your story - make sure you PRACTICE!!!

fire in the middle of rocks
fire in the middle of rocks

So, you're an upcoming performer. Now what?